Thursday, September 13, 2018
Panel Discussion with Paul Richardson: Boom to Bust: Is This the Beginning of the End for USM?
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Join with AAR's Paul Richardson, VP Sales of EMEA, as he participates on the panel, "Boom to Bust: Is This the Beginning of the End for USM" at Aero-Engines Europe conference in Hamburg, Germany.
Questions to be addressed by the panel:
- Whilst demand currently thrives, will NG engines eventually negate the spare parts market?
- With a significant number of the installed fleet approaching sunset phases, when will demand for USM outpace retirements?
- In an increasingly competitive landscape, how are parts providers remaining competitive?
- Will mature platforms go through forecasted shop visits, or will they be parted out?
- How can airlines best formulate an effective parts supply strategy?
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